Field Service Engineers can focus on doing their job, delivering strong levels of service effectively & efficiently with ServiceFocus.
ServiceFocus works seamlessly with Sybiz Vision Service Manager, seconds after logging a service call in VSM the job will appear on your engineers iPhone.
Below are some of the features that Field Service Engineers with ServiceFocus benefit from:
Customer contact details at your fingertips, so you can navigate to the door of your next Service Call
Schedule jobs, updating the office(or vice versa) when any schedule changes are made
Record parts and inventory used
Capture time with multiple rates & types (travel, etc)
Record detailed descriptions, notes & next call comments
Signature Capture
View live stock levels
View scheduled jobs in your calendar, with the ability to sync to Microsoft Exchange
View customer financial data i.e. Credit Hold Levels, etc (this is based on user rights).
Upon call completion or closure the task is updated back in your office
Even when you have no 3G or internet connectivity, you can still view and add job information, ServiceFocus stores your data securely and efficiently in a local database on the iPhone.
ServiceFocus requires Sybiz Vision Service Manager and the ServiceFocus Server Application